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Reply to "ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING"

I think there are truths written in the compromised time of the Bible. The book is with basically the same immortal 'people' involved today. The "mystery" about the whore of bablyon is still extremely relevant today. Yahweh is the 1st combo/'gmo', being ~by choice~ in the beginning. Union between, 'father' nature and 'father' almighty (Time) of Humanity (of extended Family). Yahweh was first offender of paedeophilia. Mostly due to evil geomancy, at the time. The very top Angels (the 'A's'??), within the  Angelic hierarchy were Yahweh's' own.  'They' 'allowed' true Heaven to be founded. Anyway, I have captured on my mobile device, maybe 50 pics of another phenomenon at my back door. This time including obvious nature magic. I hope to be able to posts these somehow! Still don't know what's going on in this forum. Are you guys ok? Still haven't heard from you. Did LongTimeMiLab leave this forum??

Peace and Brave Freedom!

Last edited by CosmicDancer