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Tagged With "War"


The 1987 war

Angela ·
1987 War There was a partial solar eclipse at the end of the Shemitah year of 2015, on 13 September. The last time this happened was in 1987. And before that; 1931. Really bad things happen in these years globally. 30 days after the eclipse on 23 September1987, Black Monday occurred. And in October 1987 the infamous Hurricane struck Great Britain . But the worse event was on the 23 May 1987 when the spaceships appeared and released the weapon that turned all that heard it, to dust. I had the...

Channelled Messages

Daniel James Turfrey ·
Connections, Guidance,Pain & War to come

Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping!

Nate YPX Grey ·
Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping! Published on Jun 22, 2014 If we down at least one UFO we'll be facing an interstellar war - Former Defense Minister of Canada. Sophie Shevardnadze: Our guest today is the Honorable Paul Hellyer, former minister of Defense of Canada, and he believes that life forms from space are present on Earth. It's great to have you on our show. Why do you say...

Re: Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping!

Stormm ·
I've got to say, given the dates of some of these that I was obviously "on program in the EMERTHER network" since I was 5 years old in 1958... coincidentally or not, the SAME year the 12 year old girl starts dealing with them, in Linda Howe's video... and yet again, when the self same types of grays are meeting with Eisenhower secretly about the nuclear testings. Incidentally... I was living just west of here in Riverside, California in 1958 and I am in Las Vegas now, and THOSE nuclear tests...

Re: Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping!

Nate YPX Grey ·
That was enlightening, if u know more about aliens please post it.

Re: Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping!

Ms. Marvell ·
This is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing. I always learn so much from you- it helps me understand what I went through as a child and a then as an adult. I am always looking for more education! Marvel

Re: Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping!

Stormm ·
I'm learning a lot more now, than I ever thought I'd see in my lifetime. I'm expecting some VERY interesting news or something I can better show. I'll post more as I have something easier to vet.

Re: Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping!

CelticShaman365mhz ·
John, it's like you have a new lease of life there lad !Never a dull second in your explanation of your past or present, that's for sure! I remember discussing the Mandela effect with you and you had not taken a good look into it at that time and had the intention of doing so. Have you come to any conclusions since ? Have you spoken with anyone in the know, so to speak ? There doesn't seem to be any new info on the net only the initial stories when Cern became like the new section of the...

Re: Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping!

eevie ·
i need all teh knowledge/info you can share...not allowed any memories these days...fucking electro of this week there is a v formation on my forehead....from nose to the hairline...really weird. any idea what this fresh new hell is? please?

Re: Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping!

Stormm ·
Time travelers are responsible for what we know as the Mandela Effect. It IS a factual happening, and it appears someone is effecting even more changes that way to our timeline here. There is truly some cause for concern, but far more capable people than just US are working on that end of things. Right now, the prime focus is to wake up humanity to understand that they have already been long enslaved as a race. We have allies and actually stellar ancestors that want to see this stopped. It's...

Re: Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping!

CelticShaman365mhz ·
Thanks for your response Sean. This is why I asked you about this. You have the know how and contacts and experience to be able eventually to come to some informed conclusion. You take care now mo chara. Peace. Sent from Mail for Windows 10

The ww2 soldier with an umbrella

Eclipse ·
Hello. I blame umbrellas as a minor trigger for this topic. There is a great channel who talks about interesting soldiers in history. this one us about a person who packs a umbrella and even wore a bowler hat in battle. Enjoy!

note: trust your instinct and intuition.

Eclipse ·
i was just thinking on how a holocost survivor said to trust your instinct. or whatever you might call it. i was also taught to trust your intuition. would also just say trust your intuition in general. like stuff about a person or about a situation in life. if you want to be furthur educated then perhaps think on the things people had to do in history to stay safe. not just in the ww2 era but at whatever recorded time. thanks for reading.