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Reply to "4 Warning dreams. (Dream of Max Spiers?) & Astral rules you need to learn."

People are dreaming of Max the last few days. I have to wonder what is going on. 

I was making great progress in integrating my alters until they implanted me with a memory sieve i call it. When i awaken i can physically see and feel my memories going down a drain. And still with the electro shock memory erasure. I need these brain implants disabled. I'm told a natural magnet might do the trick. 

I was abducted into the astral by black ops agents. They had taken me there to kill me. As they ranted at me i turned my head from them and said..i am not looking at this and instantly i was out of there. lol Yeah very different modes of operations when in the astral. Everything begins and ends in the astral. That is where i go when someone needs taking down. Their negative magic begins there....their power is hidden there as well. Find it and take their power from them. 

I oob every time i close my eyes and i have seen so many different scenarios for this time we are in. But i don't know if it's different realities or warnings of what to avoid....or even both. 

When they implanted the memory sucker it also took my lucidity. 




