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About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa

receive this message about Sean David Morton and his wife Melissa.

* I’d like to take a moment to ask everyone to please pray, send good vibes, keep in your thoughts and prayers – Sean David Morton and his wife Melissa. As you may or may not know; Sean and Melissa were convicted by jury on 25 felony counts on Friday after a four-day trial. * * During this trial, Melissa had a arachnoid cyst burst in her brain causing her to go into a coma. She was taken to the emergency room unresponsive and not breathing. Sean has been with her all night at the hospital and is in distress emotionally. I will advise you of any progression. At this time there is inter-cranial bleeding and she remains in a coma. There is a fair chance she will not make it. Please keep them in your thoughts. Thank you.*

Does anyone here know anything about this.  I am not Facebook friends with them but apparently a lot of my friends are

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