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Reply to "ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING"

Black Widow, sorry to have sounded apathetic to your 'cyntex' experience. The word, I heard telepathically. Not only, you/or part of your soul family, you can be within one, you/a fragment of you/or your soul marker feeling/energy profile. This can also be used to deceive people. You and/or your doppelganger or clone??.........That has to stop!

In All Macro/Micro Times and Spaces. Unacceptable. We should be seperating extreme duality. Good from evil. Freewill. Anyway, Black Widow, what are horcrux? Is it voodoo or Egyptian black magic? Is it Christian? Anyway, Infinite Peace with and within The Divinity of Sacred Divine Humanity. To the Supreme Power of Respect~Love, Love~Respect.......And the Sacred Beings who made and make it so! AHMen, AhBeing, OBeing, AHMEN.
