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bases: weapon X north America. possible locations?

hello. um the idea of weapon x has been in my life for a bit. for example my first idea of super soldiers was from the comic weapon x, i was called wolverine multiple times, a dream informant mentioned x-23 , and i even ran across a dream form of lady death strike like figure. not claiming im directly related with the program.

well currently im interested in weapon x bases. especially in north america. So im using my intuition to start this post. at least hear me out because it might resonate with you as the psychic community says.  in mexico my sense is there might be something in the north west. for example hermosillo. in america the epicenter might be new york and california. new york is more up state and california is more something like san fransisco or sacramento. anyway canadian bases really caught my attention lately. can hardly find suspicious ones any on google. i was thinking there might be a canadian weapon x base near a damn. the damn i think about is niagra falls. well there is a military historical society near niagra falls but not sure of any known bases. i hear there is a portal in toronto which adds to odd activity and a big smoking gun a lab born friend i talked to is from the toroto and Ontario area. ontario is also near lake erie which is said to be sacred land by native americans. come to think of it the weapon x facility in the animated series was in south canada. so toronto and niagra falls are both in the south east. which smells right. . anyway if you know anything about weapon x bases im sure the community wants to know. 

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
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