Okay , this is the last of this soapbox , I just have to put it out here , I saw last night , n I know its sketchy topic to talk about Everything apparently . However , one of the YT Channels I watch often is Royalty Soaps n She mentioned a series She's starting for Beginning Soap Making for Free ! She has afiliations with SkillCraft ( another Great resource for learning extracurricular skills n hobbies too ) . She's doing Free on Her YT Channel .
Maybe a roosing for other activities that are Occupational Experiencing that is More Natural and normal Person scale POV . My typical go to's are watching soap making , cooking shows , music , Crafts ( with ethics Morals ) .. is relaxing to me , unwinding n improv to slough off n for rebooting ....
So FYI-ING about that free class to check out if interested . She is really Good with teaching Cold Process Soaps . She is Bright n started soaping in Her 20s and now has Her own lil ' Village happily camping because of Humanity Platform Plateau ~ ThanksGivings , Thank Goodness ! Lets keeps this Going , Man !
She is also one , in the Soapers Community who isnt only working with Non - Organic , covert | overt anti - Green Movement as it is still Politically active now . ?? However , looking a little bit better than before with that Issue due to the Blatant apparent state of Affairs Globally And Universal , and Nows disscusions about .
Crafting Responsibly with no carbon footprint ' +💟 )
Im sorry to seem buggy ( I promise its not what I wanted to grow up tobe ! ) in a Anyka way , as in Pippy Longstocking . Though , somehow I have to say it here , from a Mature Adult POV . Because the World has to be Complimentry for Existence . I know I seem too airy fairyish sounding n looking with the fluffy ' however , its extremely dangerous antipathy , atrophie to Entrophy . Are we able to figure this out ?
Thanks Everyone who is supporting SSF and Nate to have this forum , maybe The Truth Is Enough To Set Us Free Now , n Not Us below the water line having to think n do in Absolution formulaic Mind n behavior to Really be Free . Maybe simple parameters n baselines was the place to know where belong , and Be Creative within that , Under God . ( I am asking For)
Its so rogue n chaotic , n We ~ Humanity have be Still n Steady - Thank You for Considering and doing Everything Okayed !
Royaty Soaps ~ Ocean Vibes Soaps https://youtu.be/zHArxXOcV_E
18 :49 Minutes
Maybe You can read my Surfing ( the ? of the Day answer ) Experience on the comment section there , if interested . Another pass time I might of been more into . Some Surfers Work to Surf , Living to them . Me too in a certain way as a Surfer .. advocate .