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Reply to "Belated : ALways Happy Memorial Day , Not In Vain ~ Make Love Not war"

I cant read what You wrote totally , Ive been inundated already from every angle basically . In any rate , it felt negative when I am trying to stay Positive and in Good Appreciation and Gratitude and trying send it here too . Being that its a dark place here n Everywhere , the spewage of . A lot of People looks , Peeps " call Beings   THINGS  '  . I know You ALL know what I Am talking about !

Like the song lyrics illustrates -Kids of the blackest ' Hole  . A House , a thing ' Isnt a Home a word | name again Not really a Thing . Like an Archetype that is difficult to word however easier to Express  , Exoterically !              Intangible | Tangible . A Thought in the Mind is the beginning of Manisfestation = Mass , Material  . We ALL Live in a Material World even in AstraL .

Eevie , I Thought You were Goddess Mother Yin Lover .. ? Oh ' .. Now its making rhyme and reason * , I have to mention how You were about  a Year ago mentioning  You were rescuing Children  ( Your thing so to speak )  n I asked if You could help me with Mine , And I wasnt offered any consolidation  , help , pointed to , or even given a suggestion on how to Save My Family ..

Im going to say with what I just texted n with probably not even reading about a full sentence from Your comment + My Intuition as Empathy ,

You're A Phoney  !

Last edited by CosmicDancer