@eevie posted:Love is a living being/entity. Not all this. Love is degraded by things......material things. What you have posted is actually therapeutic activities which are great......but they aren't love.
I met love in an oob. I tried to find something to give love as a gift. Everything I found that was beautiful, worthy I thought of love, turned to ashes in my hands. See what I'm saying? Love is not a thing or something you do.......love simply IS. I've been where you are. You are trying. ❤find the being that is love, no preconceptions. Just be open. This helps heal our painful experiences. Everyone on this forum knows of what I speak when I mention pain.
Truth is love is in war and war is in love.
America is a Looney bin being run by the inmates at the moment. We can't escape it. It's every where we turn, all media. It threatens our very way of life. It's not about race.....these poor ppl don't realize they are being used as tools to further an agenda. Love won't solve these problems......but a healthy dose of truth will.
I'm not attempting to take away from your post......im trying to help. I do this in the being of love.
For what it's worth........humans can't solve world problems. Only those from off planet have that ability. We are supposed to work only on ourselves. This is what they said.
Thank You.All true and most important thing is,Love.Great stuff,lets all heal and focus on LOVE.Pain,we all know,just like you said,but love?Not all of us have experienced,true,marvelous,wonderful LOVE.Feeling that is bigger than life and all worldly problems.Love is the SOLUTION.
Only LOVE can Heal us all.