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Reply to "Child Sacrifice Legalized in The Netherlands , meaning The World Court ??"

This Post Thread was moved to Members OnLy section. Not sure Im Okay with that. The Public allready knows basically whats up too .

Im really tired  , I just wanted to get started with saying from the Bus systems  hyjacked still ... 3 Buses and one Metro train to get there.  Not according to the online schedule and or regular routes again , detour totally away from fireworks area . The last bus driver Familar  L , creepy , bitchy . The last thing He , said to Me upon exiting to My last stop , "....  there is nothing there ... for You  " .

* + And the Barnes & Noble that was a huge building ( I noted prior the other week  ) on the opposite corner was completly Moved , another Constructed B&N to the other corner , a much smaller one. A building there a Week prior. And was a Vacant , closed down business. I remembered thinking oh thats a big B&N the week prior walking up to a another store on the same street  [ and thinking to MySelf  ,not to purchase further from them because most of the Things I purchased were stolen 2 and one Years prior ] .  Many Christmas Presents , and Esoteric things. From a B&N  couple Citys away within SouthBay ,    Los Angeles . Not My Imagination.

So basically the same type of Technology and Movements of Anti Human  , Humanity with My Full Disclosure a several pictures removed on SSF regarding The Los Angeles County Museum Completely Obliterated!!! And the Real time Technology was very simaliar. With the same energy Id marker then.

Like the Gary Numan song format of Down at the Park ( I posted on SSF too ) Soft to Hard Full Circle Disclosure    Nows .  Also the Wolfsheim ( When Im Gone ) music video showing the instant changing of the Set'. I also posted about , the Technology  , producing Ehp 666 ???  ) .  So the Theater that It was supposed to be in was then changed!  The B & N was parallel,  on the same block to the Theater , on the online Map ! Checked several times.  Now Not!  Made sure It was the same Theater  , the seat diagram okay . Definitely Not the Theater across the street , which I didnt want to go to , Ive been there with My FamiLy before , Years ago . The same Theater company too . Jzblzs FamiLiars at the ticket booth and concession at the Theater It was supposed to be in. Decided Not to go .

So , Initially discovered this , upon going up to the upstairs theater ( making it 15 minutes prior , somehow )  noticing boarded up store fronts , mostly eateries ( the dine and theater " online advertisements I saw online that day checking further , Im noticing , different than across the streets format.  )  coming to , and see FamiLar (s)   , as an old ketu satan fem. Appearance said to Me , " are You here to see Sound of Freedom , Its Not here  " as they were walking out from the theater entrance , exit pathway .   ....

There is more to It , maybe I will write about what occured furthermore  ' . Perplexed why this very important post regarding Children is on Members OnLy section. It says in The Bible , that those things like Samson and Goliath issues should Not put fear infront of ALLLL Due Care. The Whole Truth Is Freedom            ( Love )   🤍💗

Last edited by CosmicDancer