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Reply to "Child Sacrifice Legalized in The Netherlands , meaning The World Court ??"

.... found the receipts looks like they were changed. State , City and Excise tax. With about 20% showing taxed instead. Lie! I will Post them later.

Also , on the 4th I went to another Cafe prior to the one with the window incident. Across the street from the 2nd K store. An upscale German Bakery Cafe , privately owned Restaurant Company I knew about decades ago that was in Santa Monica before ( now closed ) and I sat there to have a Coffee and Croissant.  Sitting and noticing the Waiter | Cashier ( who just gave Me coffee at the table ) as He was there at the counter folding Cloth napkins around Silverware for about 7 minutes directly across the table I was at , and then within a second , I see a 4 inch Brown finger smear on the back of the Person White clothes  ( * + also He reminded Me as FamiLiar , and noticed the lead singer of the German band that I mentioned recently here Wolfsheim , re the instantaneously technology , too ) , that shite' stain Definitely wasnt there before ! Obviously . He was just folding and talking casually to another Person there.  He wasnt that particular friendly towards Me.   However of course  , I mentioned to Him the stain. And He went right to the restroom for 5 minutes to check , and then fixed It. He had to cover It up with His shirt.  💖🤍

Last edited by CosmicDancer