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Reply to "Corey Feldmans Global Movie Event tonight .. + * I Added Urgent off topic to this !"

*** Writing this here because its occurring here in ReaL Time .  Extremely Caustic affect on me Everytime !        

ITS BeYond obnausiating that a f-ing f "  is constantly on my tail ! A super model " of jezebel isnt of Word !    However , Everytime its allowed to mess with me Everywhich way  - get this including GMOED with ME and My Family , trying to destroy ALL Creation ! N Including My typsetting of Word here And Everywhere ! The progression towards me caused me to beligerantly to - off setting ' my own type above in frustation !

During this , I see ( Pineally ) a old              " Time " also adding to other obnoxious activity with it Against God N My Effort Here And Everywhere for Humanity . As the usual ' jezebel loyalty card mech n tech of e*** n h*** = p*** machine n factory . They made ALL the dark energy n dark matter , crazy black holes , off of node n mole  mentalities that way !          Anti : Love , Nature  , 🤍Family | +* Who Ive havent been with for almost two Years . Havent heard or had Any Contact whatsoever from My Biological Children neither ! ,  Humanity  , Everything In ALL Creation ! As some loyalty card thing to its e*** dark mindz: lyra' | o , guluk ( a ' in Sanskrit | Vedic Scripture , Not even considered a Planet - A Node ' ) , Jezebel " in the Bible KJV , h. c. " ..... are some the entity names . He ' ( looking like Goddess *+ Is baphomets right hand man ' in Angelic Scripture . Bothe together more powerful than lucifer I read  . Bothe described as capable of Mass Destruction ! Like a Good 'cop bad cop ' binary Pulsar format .

Lyro ' as supposedly the 1st Mother Nature Goddess . Which Max Spiers I think mentioned on a Video actually .  Another video @3 Years back , an interview with a person claiming shi was actually lyro ' lol- ing about blowing up his ' planet n how is now here ! N I believe Max Spiers is part of Times SoulLineage | Lines .  Lyro ' is the 1st Worst than h.e.l.l. maker next to bapht ' ... ( killer queen bee wannabee yuppy loser idea , til End Time apparently ! ) trying to destroy anything that has Beauty n Beautiful Life n Space . Ive seen many times in 3d even infilitrated My Family Line with bapht ' too .

We ALL come from Beautiful Universe ! A Black HoLe | as Mommy XOXOXO literally still going n going ...... ? This e" entity stemming frome the Cosmos pre Earth who is an archon troll DisRespector to YangYin ~ YinYang ! Definitely Not Human perspective or Godly Beingness  , not a Friend or let alone Mother\Goddess in anyway shape or form , only thing legit is His own e " mindz to themselves with Quantum Physics ! Covertly Placidly Rabid+* a M.F. n M.H. !  As Monsters of Darkness in Beligum " , Not a Mum ! The Great Pretender , total Actor Liar n pz n p.h. maker n designer !

Time BetterBe Good for something  ! N ShutitDown !

I took screenshots of how obnoxious this thing is with changing the typesetting n making it impossible to fix , with Technology even ! Everytime they allow it around Me , total catastrophic damage ensued ! Get that freakin thing away from Me n Humanity +🤍

Loyalty card Is to Humanity  , not to evil/hate = pain machine n factory ! +💗

So lame , it appears that they used Slaves ' to fix the embarassing off setted typing of Word too  . For a Liar that = war , slavery n Distfunct too   ? Mothers are Comfort And Nice Not to be Dissed ! Not a Pain machine doer n designer . The screenshots I took are not of what occured here . The typesetting is apparently re - setted to make it look like Im complaining about Nothing n Im supposedly the psychotic one ! Anybody servicing those egomaniacal whatsoever are either ensalved or the worst of the worst of ALL The Universe ! We are talking e n h = p machine pre Earth n Planets even ! There is NO excuse n or alibis Nows . We have the Technology to Conquer ALL Evil/hate machine !

JesusChristLord Authentic Genuine Nature Perpetual Love n Respect ~ InLove Existence OnLy Providence Producing directly Humanity  + ❤

There is Only One Kingdom in The Universe . ALLMighty Heavens   Humanitys TruLy !  DuBouzet + 🤍

Sorry that it came to this . I tried My Best with that one too even though it tried to destroy me n My Family , Humanity Everyone And Everything!  No Joke !



+ * Karma Technology - To Evil  Entities Mental Bodies at the top until it Stops And It is Shut Down ForeverInfinity !  To be enslaved with consequences of their own constant affects of Attacks towards Innocent Individuals , now some probably with even Dark minds themselves ' by Proxy And Hi Velocity of Assaulted  !

Other Evil/hate mindz could also be deleted ( I heard several times by bapht ' even ..... maybe because psyoping though !! ) , the reprobate Children minds too who fell into the cracks of the mess too .

TrueGod n Providence Producing directly Humanity  ! No Vigilante because they are attached to innocent Peoples Bodies n Souls  there , Beings ! Very serious n complex problem that requires the upmost Positive Professional handling ! We have to be in Full Disclosure And Communications ! ALL Mercy for the Victims there have TO BE Victoriously Rescued n Restored Immediately ! Please Do The Right Thing and dont feed the   e " n h " = p " ! 


Last edited by CosmicDancer