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could i have a mutant alter? taken away in a dream because of gifts.

so this post is because i might be a mutant in another life and dimension. kind of like spiderman and the multiverse. this is to record this dream just incase this is total recall.

so when i dream i tend to be a natural telekinetic. in the dream someone threw fire at me. i think it was a match. so i started a fire on a pile of news papers or related. simply by will. i walked away as it grew. i also checked to see if i can move things by will. yeah i could. no fighting started but beings showed up to kind of haul me away. some where nice. some where not nice. one suggested we where related by family line and attempted to jog my memory about something. she was a mutant but i did not know what she could do. perhaps in this history i did not remember i survived something like a train crash or something. i could not catch the whole thing she said. when i was walking past security that where acting like men in black but were not i heard a bunch of powers being talked about. maybe the dream was being dismantled but it was almost like they where talking about how i can do much more then start fires and move things by will. i did not catch anything like being locked up or transported. they just stepped up like the act was up.

interesting how i had this dream i suspect i might contact my personal subconscious in like 10 days if i keep going with living how i am. a telekinesis dream is a side effect of trying to unlock myself in a lack of better words. so yeah im even concerned about tapping into dark force powers in real life. which would be the oddest thing i get into. yet i think everything is by intent in this life. so i will not go into something destructive. like i will not try to control or generate fire if i can not practice it. thanks for reading.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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