Also just prior to that time ( 2016 ) Max Spiers .. was doing Full Disclosure ( priming regarding Pizzagate too ) Precursor to Trumps Presidential Race with H Clinton. Max passed away , a couple Months prior to when It got more heated. Assassinated *+ by M.A. and / or All ' ?? 🤍🩷
Several Diversions And Block towards pizzagate Sra Issue ConcludeD!
To the recent explosive blurp and turn out on TV by Tucker Carlson , " Pizza " after all that time ! About 7 Years now . Please ALLLLMerciful! 🤍💗
It didnt' get better until It Did And Does. Completly Neutralized And Eradicated by[E] Nows , No Gmoed! 🤍⚪️
Max apparently mixed with 666 issues though too - in the past by defauted' ??
I saw Him in 3d a couple of times after He had passed. With a new name.
It wasnt Good what had occured. I reported about on SSF about 4 Years ago .
I Witnessed A Total hyjack of His Mind Space ( by ketu , freddy k , jz. , lilith, the d , satan " ) . H' actually said [ when I noticed And called It Out ] ... H' , has ( His New ) Body for 3 Months " ! And We started yelling at each other ( this all occured on the Streets of Los Angeles , CA on a bus bench , walking on our way to My Studio then. ) .... H' tried to accost Me. I had to leave Him , I was trying to help Him too 💖🩵🌠🌌⬜️⚪️🤍