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do vampires hate garlic? maybe its because it has a lot of benefits. you can find in supplement form.

so do vampires really hate garlic? well I seem to shift vibrations and I seem to be stepping into a plain with a lot of vampires. not sure how odd its going to get. shifting dimensions is how I heard of super soldiers in the first place. that is a crazy topic for another time. anyway I heard of energy vampires and I never hear about garlic with those. the other kind of vampire seem to be very rare if they exist in your personal reality and vibration. so I heard nothing of an actual blood sucker hating garlic.

here is the actual topic. I found garlic has a lot of benefits and its possibly the basis of saying vampires hate it. for example  garlic is good for heart health and helping with cholesterol. also its good for immunity. garlic can be found in supplement form or you can it whole as nature intended it. just food for thought. I like to stick with supplements that are famous in ancient days. unless its powerful synthetic science. I will post about any unusual beings if I hear of them. stay away from those vampires in the mean time. yes its a joke but not. sorry if I offended any vampire friends.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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