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does America need a president with zero experience and zero knowledge in politics?

sometimes i wonder if this country needs a president with zero experience and zero knowledge in politics. yet likes to learn about their position and attempts to be logical. i thought some members would be open to the idea since many of them like to learn. on top of that i might be crazy enough to volunteer if i had enough cash to run.  anyway i was thinking i would lean on advisors a lot. for example the generals would pretty much run the military more then usual. also it would be good to have a vice president who knows a bunch. if i was head hunting for a vice president sarah palin might be on my top five list. she has experience and brings the kind of vibe that a woman can. anyway just food for thought. can you imagen what its gonna be like with yours truly in a presidential debate? half the time i would just say "i dont know what that is yet but vote for me so i can learn and assist in change"

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
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