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Donald Trump's Russian Honey Comb Spy

I have heard a theory that Melania Trump is actually a honey comb spy.  I have bought into this theory.  There is some good that can come out of this.  I am hoping that Trump will have a good relationship with Putin.  We do not need to be on Putins bad side the way Obama is.  I am optimistic about our countries future under Trump if he manages to get elected.  I do not agree with him justifying torture, but at least he is honest about it.  His opponents lie and say that america has never tortured and never will.  The fact of the matter is that there is photographic evidence of it that I will not display on this forum.  It involved forcing muslims to engage in homosexual acts.  The muslims would never force their prisoners to do anything homosexual because muslims have strict laws against that kind of activity.



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  • GOP_2016_Trump.JPEG-2f2ac_c0-182-4346-2715_s885x516
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