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Exersize option. Your posterior chain.

Yeah i been going to the gym lately. If your going to do the same thing have you thought of the posterior chain? It's pretty much your spine, glutes, and legs. This muscle group makes you more athletic. Also more explosive. Infact four legged animals use the muscles along the back. A pro is this muscle group increases mate selection in both genders. these exersizes don't have to be all free weights. the kettle bell swing is a hack and it led me to this muscle group. Then there is things like rowing and the stairmaster/climb mill. the vikings rowed alot and Kung fu monks have used stairs in training. looking up kettle bell swing and posterior chain/related will give you more of an idea. I hope I did not use the wrong name anyway. Thanks for reading. P.s. if your training in cardio rowing the one thing you should do is work the chest and triceps. Chest and triceps lack with rowing. Thanks.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
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