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Reply to "Felton Maise"

Whitelion342 From the intel I have gathered, a Rothchilds bragged about blowing up the Twin Towers in 1967 and that kick started an influx of Volunteers. Plus there is a prophecy surrounding 1968, of an exceptional being coming to the Earth. Whose life would be full of pain and would be a hybrid of four bloodlines.

They knew of this prophecy and in their arrogance they decided to control the Volunteers and the Exceptional being and use that One for their own sordid purposes. So from my intel, you are right,  it was based around a year.

Dual consciousness is where you are half in your own body and the other half of your consciousness is astral projecting and you can feel and see both dimensions at the same time. It's like lucid dreaming whilst you are awake. One consciousness, split between two dimensions, it takes alot of focus and concentration. Especiallly when you are fighting with one half, as I am much slower in dual consciousness mode. I only totally astral project whilst sleeping now.

And quite often I am seeing out of someone elses eyes. Sometimes though it is another body I am able to materalise from my consciousness. It gets weird when it is a man though.

My hubby does the Black op stuff. He is recalling more memories now. And told me recently he was in a dream when someone said he had done 3000 ops. He is a sniper. And in real life he has a wicked aim. I have to use psychic powers to be as good as him.

Keep safe.


(I'm not Angela Power Disney.)
