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Reply to "Fighting Monarch"

This is just my opinion, as I had a limited exposure to MK Monarch in the late 1950s, a few miles from where Disney Land was being built in Anaheim, CA.  Monarch is still under the same "umbrella" and MKULTRA, but had a slightly different focus on how their agents will operate.  They use the same MK technologies to get the jobs done on their agents/victims, but less so in a warlike way as a "supersoldier" might.  They are no where's near as "durable" as an ULTRA can get, but they are conditioned and trained for deep espionage, AND many of them are used as "Divas/Stars" for the general public to watch and emulate, to control the desires of our general population of people fixed upon their favorite Monarch puppets.  If Star So-and-So likes to wear a certain brand of watch or clothing, their masters can shake the industry with it as their fans will all want to buy those too, or agree with certain points of view programmed by their masters.  In essence:  THEY control the Star, and by so doing:  THEY control YOU too, through them.  There's more still involved in that program, but you get the general idea.  I failed my Monarch recruitment when I was six years old because the things they tried to do to me, made me react in such an extreme violence that they laid my step father off and sent us all packing back to Rochester, New York for my fuller ULTRA training.  Had I been more compliant, you'd probably be watching my movies today... But at what a cost to my mind and soul!  But if it's a full blown soldier or assassin:  You should be focused in the MKULTRA portion of the programs.  That's where that kind of work gets done.  Monarchs will be conditioned and trained, but not to this extent and less so for these reasons.


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