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Reply to "Fighting Monarch"

@Stormm @Nate YPX Grey i wonder how i would personally react. i wanted to be a tv actor till a young adult but i had a nasty temper as a kid. Cant imagine how my anger would be if i grew up in projects. Then again i might have my memory wiped. Anyway i have noticed there is the same word more then once when it comes to names. like there is monarch programming and then there is monark solutions which is a corp. monarch will be found if you study mk ultra branches and monark solutions is among the factions in the ssp. Kruger, monark, nacht waffen, umbrella i heard a good amount of. not so much of groups like scorpion, shoreline, solar warden. Im sure there is more groups like that. according to my observation monark solutions might be an "umbrella" to other factions but dont quote me. Which that Alliance seems to be service to self. i was with a few factions if i had a 20 and back. The interesting thing is monark and umbrella are friends with scorpion who may have had a hand in project montak. Much respect on both the mk ultra subject and the factions. another example is umbrella corporation can be confused with umbrella academy which both seem to be soft disclosure. Im currently trying to keep in mind that there is a possibility of the two being related because umbrella corp is multidimensional. Which is the one thing i definitely know. Sorry if i read replys wrong but just pointing out that names might be used more then once. Kind of like how we need to put last names if we mention a james hehe.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse