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Reply to "Fighting Monarch"

@Nate YPX Grey i was just thinking that as a outside observer britney spears seems like the classic monarch program subject. 1.  She is a performer and even used illuminati symbolism. Maybe even used back masking which is backward music. Whether it waa willingly or not. 2. She seems to have alters that are triggered. 3. And she might have been programed in s!x kitten programing as well. not sure how strong s!x kitten programing is with guys in any mk ultra program. Unless they are made into a mindless doll. Yes doll companion program tech most likely exsists off world. 4. Extreme mental break down. 5. Was it really her? She could have a clone. side note: i did catch that she attacked a car with an umbrella. Was it even expected to rain?

Anyway... If monarch programing doesnt seem to resonate with someone they may still be monark solutions corp.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse