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Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.

I and my youngest heard a Raven calling us yesterday, 26 November '16 at 2am. We are on the 'Storm coming' list. Then this morning just as I was waking I heard a Raven again. (As stupidly I hadn't registered the warning last night. So it must be important.)

The last time we were warned by a Raven personally, was about 9 months ago on 18th February 16, when there was a outgassing of Sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide explosion from the Earth on 25 Feb 16, on the West coast of America. That cloud made us feel breathless and tired.

So by that reckoning we have a week between warning, and trouble in the atmosphere.

If you don't know about this 'Storm coming' list, Ravens are told first of all the birds about anything dangerous, then they tell the other birds, who tell the ones on their lists. (A little bird told me! is real.)

My eldest has actually seen a group of 50 blackbirds meeting and talking to each other.

Owls have a Parliament, and Crows are known to have forensics meetings to see why a comrade died and if it was natural causes. And they have funerals for their friends.

I have a photo of my mum with a Raven sitting on her head, as she had the gift of conversing with birds too. They always seemed to come up to her.

Back in UK I knew about a storm coming and it was summer, so the bedroom window was open and there was this little bird chirping urgently at us, whilst in the 40 foot pine tree, right outside our window at our level. So I say to the bird, "Are you telling me about the Storm? Thankyou." It cocked it's head as if to say 'How the heck did she know before me?'

And whilst living in the mountain area of Iceland, we were warned of the approaching hurricane that hit Iceland in late 2015 by a very insistent, little bird.

So fair warning is delivered. Before 3rd December something dangerous and hazardous to health is coming. (IF it is sulphur based then eating potatoes msy help as they have molybdenum.)

Keep safe.


(I'm not Angela Power Disney.)

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