@Nate YPX Grey thanks for the interesting reply. Yes comics dont tend to focus on hidden or advanced politics like zionist. not trying to minimize zionist either and i know they have messed with peoples lives. yeah it seems natural if projects stop and are replaced by another. maybe projects in general didnt completely stop. i just know comics seem to have a ongoing bad guy/villian. Even if they are in a rotation. like they never get old hehe. Actually the magneto character is a good example since he was alive in world war two. someone in a rotation would be the joker. That guy always shows up. of course im stating the obvious 🤷 but im gonna say that hydra seems to be that ongoing bad guy. Cant say the same with weapon x. In the cartoon i think that project was just a memory. In one episode wolverine even goes back. its just interesting to think a real hydra group might have been with the secret space program. speaking of the ssp im open to finding out im involved with hydra or project incredible hulk. its actually the hulk image thats been bothering me lately. Possibly a clone of mine was in a small hulk army. However i dont know untill i do more research and remembering. im at the point where i rather some memory then a hunch. Oh well