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i do have a mk ultra personality myself. special thanks to the yelena character from black widow.

tonight i noted that i have a mk ultra personality. i do recognize that im mostly a sigma male but its because i have to. its under male personality types. then i noticed i have a personality of a ultra. no matter if i was a subject or not. i can be really friendly. i can baffle friends and sound crazy with interesting but positive and open convo. i can be friendly even to the point where a girl might think im romantically interested but to shy to say anything. i also have the soldier like side. i cant explain but with the dead face and gaze that sees into someone's soul. this side also covets silence to much. also i have the side that has the blank mile long stare. mostly seen at work. on top of all that i can turn on friends/family and friendly people if i felt i was actually crossed. just a few examples of the sides i have. today i thought about how my personal mission is very important. so when i want to entertain beef with someone at work for example i should remind myself of what my mission is. this must be confusing when people try to figure out how i am. now i mostly entertain a soldier or project survivor who is trying to adjust. perhaps like a free black widow or winter soldier survivor. military vets must feel it to but i was not in the military that i known of. at least not by will. special thanks to the yelena character for my post inspiration. so yeah i understand if you have all sorts of feelings in social situations and basic life.

" i feel the best time in my life was fake" -  yelena belova

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
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