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I might be a parent of a alien human hybrid

So I might be a parent of a hybrid. The mom showed up in a dream. She wanted to be my girlfriend. I did not commit so she accepted my DNA instead. she did not take it by the usual means. So I don't have the usual story. The girl was humanoid with dark blond hair and light color eyes. I did look up the zodiac for 9 months later. There was synchronicity after that. As in a meaningful coincidence. Plus a couple of odd things happened. like I tried to contact someone about it and the text was erased since I had to switch tabs. So I needed to write the story twice. Then I noticed I had a missing package the day after the dream. The thing is one item I there was garlic suppliments. they say its good for health but now its missing like powers that be hate it like they say. Just I a nutshell. I decided to post since there is a hybrid parent community.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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