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Reply to "Interview with Anthony Zender"

Really appreciated this interview with Nate and Anthony, and the video some one made about it.   MILAB  survivor & MK ultra survivor.   My health and physical aptitude was compromised a great deal as a result.   As a Contactee, I've met various 'evil' aliens - Up close face to face  & Experimented on with exotic technology , including being placed on alternate timelines.  Was like Mandela effect on steroids.  Used for countless "missions" that began in childhood, including hours of astral training to undisclosed bases on and off-world locations. A few years ago when abducted  (these 'friends' were probably involved with the monarch program), they abducted & drugged me, removed and damaged some organs, &  performed a horrific genocidal rape/ritual.  Guessing they have done this to others who didn't live through it.  I think this is the kind of thing Anthony spoke about.  However, this is not the main memory that was 'triggered' after hearing the interview.  The memory that started coming to mind over the next few days involved a MILAB back in 1990, 1991, or 1992 - Possible record of this  linked to my emergency stay at the Hospital in VanBuren Arkansas .
