@Eclipse posted:greetings.
i have learned there is a umbrella corp and monark solutions corp refugee group called m.u.r.g. and I might post more information about them. i just know they are mk ultra and super soldiers going rouge/independant. a lot of them have powers. this group is involved with video games like resident evil, the last of us, and life is strange.
i wonder if someone can be apart of a group like this and not remember. well I am attracted to the logo of the sword and wings. the airforce might use something like this symbol. when I learned about m.u.r.g. i learned there is a paramilitary group in the video game called the last of us called the fireflies. the fireflies logo looks very similar to sword and wings. ontop of all that one of the characters from the game was called elle. i guess she was interested in moths. well my foster mom is called ellen and today a moth landed on my car. hmm. well who knows unless someone who would know tells me.
my main question is if I can be apart of a paramilitary group by dreams? if so I might be apart of m.u.r.g. and I even have dreams of fighting zombies and things you consider undead/monsters.
when you're lost in the darkness look for the light. - the fireflies
I have candles, I have light in me, and not only me, it's interesting, I can generate light mentally and changeable creatures can see it, I know because they tell me about it