Well yes, but the problem is, Monarch was in the 1940's part of the same Nordic/Reptile agenda... In this timeline, this is the main timeline. In others the Nazi's won the war, they wanted to pull those timelines on this one, but it seems that's not a option anymore. So if that's true, that would be great. <3 But Monarch had been taken under the supervision by the reptiles, since 1940, because the Nordics had more special technologies, which they didn't want to share with them from the beginning, they made a pact, but never had the same agenda I suppose... The nordics bailed out about 18 years ago, when the council of 5 stepped in, and told them to leave... We seem to have managed to clear them all from the Kruger bases in this timeline. But I guess, they work together now, those who survived... With the reptiles/draco's/annunaki's/archons at Monarch and they probably still do... But I'm not sure yet about that either... They probably did not quit fighting against the council of 5's agenda, to help humanity. The nordics are as Peter claims all gone at Kruger now, but the archon infested individuals who are being used by Monarch and Kruger can also be mind controlled, or programmed.... And some other alien species also managed to infiltrate at Kruger, like trojan horses... That's the main problem at the moment I guess... Everyone can be a enemy. Kruger tries to ascend the planet with as much good motivated souls as possible, also Monarch souls, If they want to change, their way of thinking. But Monarch still pushes the NWO agenda in this timeline from their underground bases I suppose.
That's the biggest problem for now, and we... The super soldiers, are being put in this galactic war, as their peons... Not even consciously able to take a side yet. So I hope and I manifest that the people of earth, will find out the truth, and when they do, they can all decide for themselves which part they want to play in this universal polarity game. I do know this, being and staying a good soul is a lot harder than being a bad one or becoming a bad one because Monarch cheats, and operates in the 4D and manipulates people every single day in making bad choices, but still it's manipulation, so we don't need to worry about it much, unless you do light killing things, like killing someone or when you constantly are cheating on loved ones or lying to people, consciously, because you just don't give a fuck, because that's the light killing bit, NOT caring about your mistakes. Everyone makes them, but If you feel guilty it wasn't your choice to begin with I guess... There are people on this planet who just don't care... That their free will and their light that they dicide to kill.. Slowly or rapidly. That's why they use satanic ritual abuse on children every single day, because killing a innocent soul who can't defend itself yet is the most light killing thing people can do on this planet. but all killed light grows back eventually... That's why they need to keep doing the abuse... Some of the bad people who did this evil shit consciously probably acted out of fear, sometimes I suppose... So they maybe can turn into good people I guess, lots of them have been manipulated as well in this evil behaviour... Especially Freemasons, who are all starseeds, who have been fooled as you can imagine. But it is not impossible to change I guess. Some people will feel terrible about what they did... So I guess that's where the 95% ascending people eventually comes from, as Peter claimed in a interview with James last december.