Nate YPX Grey posted:"I'm a runner at Kruger and a runner/ESP trainer at Ultimate."
can you please go into more detail about what Kruger is?
I have had several dreams myself, but also my husband and other Dutch super soldier friends have had dreams, about me being a Runner/ESP trainer. Beside the fact I did a ESP test online once, and had a pretty high score... What made me wonder. The fact that I was a lot taller than my dad, in the dream with my dad is also a big indication something Peter told me must be right, I had the dream 8 years ago, while I was pregnant and very clearvoyant at that time. And he told me I am longer dan 6 feet at Kruger, but in real life I am only 5 feet long. Kruger is the business what was run by the Nordics since 1940. They developed MK ultra, and the super soldier practice... And they seem to be overthrown by the council of 5 about 18 years ago... Not sure if this is correct... I still question everything I get to learn... Considering the fact anyone can be a mind controlled spy here.
But Ultimate is the business who develops the weaponry and does the training for the super soldiers, inside Kruger. When older souls get incarnated here, they will find out, via DNA or soul memory, not sure how it works yet. But they work at Kruger, I guess the older souls... And the younger (3D) souls, all start to work at Monarch just like the older ones when they are children, I was told this was correct by Peter. The less your soul had learned in the past outside earth is the indication for the talents and gifts you have today, in combination with the DNA you posses. It's a joined effort I guess. Every individuals DNA and soul memories, will make you either a Kruger or a Monarch.