Stellar posted:Well said , your conclusions are spot on. Love is the only "weapon" that can neutralize their attacks and their control.. A united front is something that they are not expecting and it is freaking the controllers' out. You can feel it because they are amping up the attacks on everyone, hoping to cause hysteria and panic to scatter evceryone. Placing protection around yourself, the ones' that you care about and you homes is critical to maintain your balance.
Indeed, I make orgonite for friends, facebook friends and their families. I think we need a lot of positive Chi energy on the planet, to ruin their low vibration agenda's and their global GSM/WIFI grid. When orgonite is made properly with good Crystals and lots of Quartzsand and Selenite clippings it can filter the negative energies much more sufficient, than the ones who are almost fully filled with metal or copper parts. People need to try this, it helps a great deal. And the Toroidal Tesla coils, prevent further abductions from Monarch when you hook it on a downloaded Online Tone generator Mp3 file turned on repeat in a phone, at 5.55 square Hz. when you go to sleep. My kids don't have the extreme nightmares anymore. The only problem is, negative energies hate orgone energy or interfering scalar waves, because the covert army uses it to abduct you astrally, to put you in a cloned body, to torture or let it do soldier work. And because the astral reptiles can withstand the orgone energies who emit from these devices, they will come over and try to spiritually attack you... But that's only to demotivate making it I guess.
They we're turned of quite some times in the morning, so you need to keep checking it, if they're hooked on. So I still keep on making it. Even though they made me homeless. And uniting instead of dividing is the only way to get out of this evil madness indeed. <3