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Milab log: trance/disassociation. Added abilities with it?

Greetings. im writing a thought on trance. First thing is alot in the programs seem to be hybrids which may come with the ability to trance.

Can trance give you super strength or abilities? well my attention to strength is reduced in trance/disassociation. or it seems like it. like slamming the car door or shaking a hand to hard. Well perhaps yes as far as having strength. Also you might be able to program a alter with an ability.

also there is trance in super soldier stories. Like being abducted or being in underground base. Like they use trance as a tool. also there is that time where casbolt opened a door with the security latch engaged. Then he attempted to "fix it". I hear that it was at the super soldier summit one year.

That's it. The post is more about making people think about possible abilities and past handling/abductions when In trance or disassociating.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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