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Reply to "milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots"

@CosmicDancer interesting that you just noticed this. i honestly seem to be a different person in the past. even from the one who joined the forum. that situation is hard to explain. still the same soul pushing the keyboard buttons.  well by project i just meant super soldier project or i guess you can use the word faction in some cases. i also asked if you remember anything about it. didnt you say your a monarch scientist in a way? i think i was asking about that. i assume you mean monarch solutions but i know there is a monarch with mk ultra. thanks. - eclipse p.s. it would be interesting to talk about my case with peter. never got the chance since i was late to the community party. never knew you were with kruger in a way but i think that is interesting.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse