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Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

Hello everone. have you ever thought the jesuit community is connected network as well as the milab community which is possibly a network ? By network i do mean connected as a global net. Well... First there is weapon x project as i know it from marvel. For the sake of convo i will seperate weapon x from mutant x. Well weapon x seemed to have a network in north america including mexico. With the center possibly being new york. This may be true in real life . then captain america's origins and hydra seems to be weapon x related. Which shows a connection. i always thought hydra was based in germany. i will leave german friends out of it. However super soldier program seems to have started with german scientist. Doesnt matter to me what political party they where with. Then royalty could have funded both sides of the war and mr adolf could have been a rothchild in some theorys. then as far as umbrella corp logo. It looks alot like a jesuit cross. there is a company logo similar to that in china. Then of course we have a bio wepon released at the time of this writting. One theory i heard was that this bio weapon was developed in canada. If thats the case weapon x does have a canadian history. on top of that its interesting that italy is having major health problems when the vatican and most likely the controlling city is in italy. if you think a bit perhaps you can connect the dots yourself and perhaps do it better then me. anyway this goes with my topic but i had a dream where i talked to a unfriendly man who new my milab case. its the usual talking about tracking others like my phone or how i have implants. in my case etheric or nanotech. Anyway i asked if i was abducted when i was little because i was with the state for a short time due to adoption. He said yes i was abducted. so i asked where. Well the man said birkshire. then i woke up in a startled way. well guess what?  there is actually birkshire new york and a birkshire england. Then i wonderd if there is a lab there that deals with milabs. Also i Wonder if the two are connected. Anyway guess whats in birkshire england. Well its called the royal county because windsor castle is there according to google. Hmm. Then i wonderd if there is a lab under winsor castle. so i was shook for a minute. People do what they want. I will just say Im sure that the castle is still under armed guard and i hear some advanced locked down facilitys can catch astral viewers red handed. it would be interesting if milab and supersoldiers where connected to royalty and the jesuits. It was just a feeling as far as connecting the dots. Who knows if its true. anyway thanks for reading. 

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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