Hi , I finally got to the video . I skimmed through It. How is it that The US Constitution Freedom of Information Act is Not upheld and or ultilized ? Seems to be a reoccurring aspect of ' .
Pres. Trump yesterday I saw on local TV News regarding recent Arraignment , stating His Documents ( that they are trying to bring Him down with ) are under Civilian Inquiry , The Freedom of Information Act. "
~ Constitutional Rights of ALLLL ! π€π©·π π€
From what I understood about that Act , Anyone here as an US citizen can write a formal letter ( I think to the Library of Congress ) requesting Classified Documents and Information. And by US Constitutional Law have to provide access , and or the Documents.
Is The US Government allowing the leaked' Information , as a Formal ish Disclosure for Revelations , Freedom Movement , open to Round Table Discusion finally , And Salved π€π or as a Public psyops ? Is what Im left thinking