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Reply to "More on Anti Veganism agenda from Inc. ?"

Good to know You noticed the anti Veganism thing , and mentioned. You dont have to quit Your favourite Foods. I Veganized ALL Recipes basically . Ive have allways been a Foodie'. I would watch Julia Childs at very young age.  From  Los Angeles  , Vegetarian since 85 ' , pseudo Vegetarian at first. I would pick out the Potatos out of My Moms stew . I have a foodblog on fb , Veganizing recipes , with No excuse , tastes exactly type of recipes. If not only comparable , Id rather actually level of saiety , hankering Fullfilled , Spiritually Too .  The Real Curriculum Vitae !

+ * Including the necessary Protein for Energy.  Notice the anti V with the       0 % " for the value of Protein , and more expensive?? Not Nutritionally a substitute for the trade'.

Also , lately It got tricky on My foodblog , trying to take a Hiatus Sabactical and finishing up the Post Thread and leaving them with a Recipebox craft to do while away too ...  They kept on removing My Vegan Tuna Sandwich picture. And changed the actual picture [ completely  , not even on the bias shape of the actual , no Cucumbers ... ] on My photo files ! The Sandwich recipe and picture looked too Great apparently  πŸ’—


Initially here to Update about          der Wienerschnitzels food place.   I visited again a few days ago.  I had the BBQ Veggie Dog  and Fries , the Cucumber Lemonade . And I truly enjoyed My meal  :  )

*  The Veggie Dog with the Cheese , isnt Vegan Cheese though ( I asked ) fyiing . Also They said the Veggie Dogs were popular , a lot of People get them . And I keep on asking for Vegan Chili too .

And I dont know if I have the picture of about 8 Months ago , when I was at Der Wienerschnitzels, at night and notice after I posted about them doing the Veggie hotdogs )  here on SSF -  the 20 inch metal pole holding up the about 10 ft wide and big W constructed signage ( about 20 feet tall ) was totally bent down , to the W titled on Its side.  As if a huge Logo Being did It !   ??

I asked about that , and the  Employee said Yes , It was bent over .... and about 4 months ago It was completely removed. They came to work and now gone. "

And I asked about the Person I made Friends with on the street right next to Der Wienerschnitzel ( She was there for over a Year ) She isnt there anymore. Comes around still though , some Peoples helped Her is what I heard from there. I would give Her $ when I around , and the last time I saw Her ( about a Month ago ) She had a Tent ( instead of not being able to be on the soft ground as before , under a tarp . Recently apparently was forced to stay on the cement instead ) .  I mentioned , She got a   tent " ,  and She said Peoples came to help Her because , " I Prayed for     Her " . I gave the money I had out for Her  , I didnt say or ask anything about that statement ( I was kind of stunned )  , I just smiled and said Gooday and quickly left. I Pray for ALLLLπŸ€πŸ’—

Last edited by CosmicDancer