James Casbolt (Michael Prince) talks about the nazi's, and more specifically the Aldebaran's, "Vril" power being derived from a reaction between extreme heat and extreme cold.
According to him, a type of metal is being mined on Enceladus that constantly stays cold. This is being used to make the bones of the cybernetic super-soldiers, and then they pump a hot liquid maga-like substance through the metal; the reaction between the two causing the "Vril" phenomenon that the Nazis coveted so much.
So was it these Nordics that were the race from Aldebaran that shared this cybernetic tech with the Nazis? Or was it a reptilian race that used their cybernetics to appear as blonde/blue/white? Or was it both? Or neither?
I don't know Abraxas for sure what the answer is. My understanding of exopolotics is very limited. I guess we are talking shapeshifters here? Don't the reptilian wear some device by their chest or thigh that maintains their physical human form as a disguise? I think I heard Aaron McCollum use this device in a video, it made a noise. And you can see a newscaster with something like this on her thigh she covers up. Perhaps it was malfunctioning because her speech was slurred.
Too bad this thread died. We should keep it going! What do you say Abraxas?