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Reply to "Nordic Aliens"

Abraxas,thanks for sharing. I think along the same lines, there are multiple ways shapeshifting occurs in varying degrees and ways. And all of what you say I agree with, though I hadn't heard about those specific Aldeberans. I thought the Nazis were aided by Nordics. But I think a lot of these Nordics ar part reptilian, or using reptilians as 'the fall guy' for their conspiracy.


One thing you left out though, is the idea of hosting, where an astral, or nonphysical being, possesses or connects with and influences in varying degrees, a human being. Many normal humans get the slit pupils when their reptilian brain becomes active. I wonder is this more of an effect of reptilian biological genetics, or of astral influence? When a reptilian astral being connects to or takes possession of a human, wouldn't that cause the slit pupils?


I had a dream I think was an abduction. Walked through an underground tunnel with military guys in gear and guns. We walked through this gate, like a check-in area with guards. One military guard was a woman and she had slit eyeballs. She looked at me and communicated with me telepathically, and I thought, 'she knows I know who they are'. I wish I could remember more of those dreams... I think I recall other effects, like her body showed morphing effects in different areas too.


Do you have any abduction experiences or experiences with aliens or spirits like this? 
