I deleted my posts and comments to withdraw my energy from this place.
Since I began posting here I have had three heart attack incidents and lots of other bullshit happening; and about one or three comments actually responding in a supportive way to my posts....without tryiing to link me in to Karistus winged ones (sorry Eevie; love YOU but you are so linked into them that I have to say, no, no further acccess to me; I don't do those winged fuckheads but wish you well through space and time and stuff!
B ut now it's showing up on an admit level about me being in touch with a Duncan (is he a MIlab character? Sorry; not familiar with him!)
And someone with an admin level accesss is now going into my comments.
Oh well, nothing I didn't see coming.
Wish everybody well!
For the record, I wanted to completely delete my account and my past posts and comments but suddenly realized that there isn't any way to do that.
NateX whoever you are; please delete my account or send me info about how I can permanently delete my account here: thank you!