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orange sky in new york is a weapon. cerca june 2023

my super soldier side wants to post this. no matter how dangerous.

the orange sky in new york is a weapon. definitely mask up if you live in the city. perhaps find out a supplement to take as well. otherwise its best to avoid new york if your not a resident. so according to intelligence there was agent orange/agent x stolen and then a version released in new york. which is actually related to a bio weapon.  yes umbrella corp may be involved but maybe not directly. jut a feeling. i feel like umbrella corp likes to test out weapons in populated areas. especially viral but they can have their hand in bio weapons or even chemical as well. umbrella has far reach since they are a multidimensional corporation. just look at covid. ok i said enough for now. stay safe. my source is peter the insider. his site. ACIO Official – Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization ( also check out jessica morrocco on youtube if you want to stay more up to date. peter is on there half the time now.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
Original Post