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Reply to "Pizzagate is not Fake"

Thought you'd like to see this.... Mrs. M

Sheriff: 474 arrested in California human trafficking stings

Prosecutors Weigh Child-Pornography Charges Against Anthony Weiner - WSJ

BREAKING: 474 Arrested In California Child-Trafficking Sting

474 people have been arrested in California in a 3 day sting operation called “Operation Reclaim and Rebuild.” Over 30 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and task forces participated in the operation, which saved 28 children and 27 adults.

by Lance Schuttler, February 2nd, 2017

“You are worthy of more. And we will work tirelessly with our partners…to provide you services and help you rebuild your life,” Sheriff Jim McDonald said, addressing the victims during a news conference on Tuesday.

... Child and human trafficking is extremely real and is prevalent, even in higher levels of governance, politics and finance.

This latest operation makes it clear too that the alleged Pizza-gate story is one that should not be dismissed without due investigation. We can’t just ignorantly dismiss something because we don’t want to believe it.

...Related Local CBS Reporter Ben Swann Blows Pizzagate Wide Open --
WATCH: The Only TV Anchor in America Willing to Tell the Truth About Pizzagate

...Additionally, over the years, the Vatican has paid nearly $4 billion dollars to victims of pedophilia, which stemmed from clergy members abusing children. When it comes to the elite, it doesn’t get much higher than the Vatican. If the Vatican is involved, there are certainly lower level, but still powerful, groups and organizations involved. The lies and cover-ups are unraveling.

Back in November of 2016, there were also two famous UK footballers who went public with information relating to sexual abuse they suffered as children at the hands of elites within the UK football circles.

Also back in the Fall of 2016, the FBI rescued 82 children in a nationwide child-trafficking sting operation....

474 Arrested, 28 Sexually Exploited Children California
27 min. video

Be the change you wish to see in the world..... Marvel
