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real magic is bending yourself.

i increasingly believe in real magic. however i did notice that its bending yourself in general. everything from small to legendary. so the other day i remember how the kid in the matrix movie pretty much said bend yourself instead of the spoon. ontop of that source is in and through everything. this last point may have went over your head but some people do have an idea what i mean by source. scroll down if you believe in real magic.

i do see every being that has real magic and has learned to bend themself. there is stories of native americans learning to move silently or even shapeshift, there is celtic legends of old crones with feathers on their neck, there is videos on demon magicians, rumors of gifted by luck like franklin richards who is based on a real person, and rumors of people gifted by genetics like wanda/scarlet witch based on a real person. so yes its possibly real in a way.

thanks for reading.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
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