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reality shifts and time slips: the cut on my finger, credit card glitch, and a dobbelganger

so today I will talk about reality shifts or something that seems like it. 1. I cut off the tip of my thumb twice when I was younger. I was learning the professional kitchen at the time. the other day I seen a cut on the tip of my thumb and a part of my tip missing. I was just thought it will heal. the next day it was gone! when I look at the scar now it seems different. now its just a small patch that does not have thumb print lines. reality shifts? 2 so I have a old secured credit card. you simply give the bank money down and you use it as a credit card. when I attempted to pay it off this week I noticed it is saying its a business card. when its not. we checked into it and It seems to be a automated glitch. another reality glitch? 3. I might have mentioned this  but the other month I was getting money from rent and the teller honestly asked if she served me yesterday when I did not. case of a dobble ganger?  anyway in closing I believe in reality shifts a little more. no matter how small. if your looking into reality shifts author cynthia sue Larsen has looked into the subject as a personal project. you can see any of these topics on YouTube. have a good one.

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