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reverting to a soldier: going back to a county kid in times of need.

so... I'm adopted and definitely a suspected super soldier. I was only 2 when I was taken but there is still that feeling of what county kids go through if they have no guardian. I sort of revert to that old way of thinking in times of stress. right now I'm looking for a job. when I have rent. the usual adult thing. yet it is sort of effecting me lately. some people say they are from a city. yes Im from near a city but I'm actually from the government. yet not trained properly. at least I did not retain any training. see you later and remember that you never know who someone is. I mean that in the best way. yeah part of me has that vibration but just go with it. we will make it through this.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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