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Simon Parkes is mind controlled

Simon Parkes is targeted by matrix mind control software to spread false information about extra-terrestrials

Simon Parkes is tricked into believing he is talking to aliens and shadow people by the matrix intelligent mind control software. He does not understand that he is being tricked into believing this because the mind control software is designed to give believable experiences. Simon went public about his misinterpreted experiences of mind control in 2010. Unfortunately though Simon is outsmarted by the mind control software program, meaning that he has talked publicly and established followers who believe in the false material he preaches. I am very clear that Simon is an experiencer of false flag mind control software and people like Simon show that the supreme being wants to get portions of the human population believing in the alien conspiracy.

Simon is clearly evidence to our organisation that the supreme being intends on getting people on mass believing in alien visitations from another planet. The matrix software gives Simon experiences of talking to a real life alien and shadow people, when in fact Simon is just talking to an intelligent matrix computer software program. The software program in his case is programmed to get Simon talking publicly about the alien conspiracy and giving insight to others about a fictional alien species. We personally believe that extra terrestrials exist and the matrix software is designed to push our imagination into believing in fictional imaginable species of alien. The supreme being also displays UFO across our planet and we feel the UFO program is designed to promote the existence of extra terrestrials.

It is key to remember that Simon Parkes is mind controlled by matrix intelligent software and is talking to a computer program with his mind. However Simon has been tricked into believing that the computer program he talks to is a real life alien or a shadow person. Because Simon has been tricked, he talks publicly about genuinely talking to aliens. This then leads to millions of people believing that it is possible he and others really are talking to aliens. This is classic false flag false information being pushed out by the Supreme being that owns the matrix mind control software. The supreme being clearly wants to brain wash millions if not billions of humans about extra terrestrial life!

There is nothing I can do to stop this sort of mass brainwashing that is going on, I can not beat the matrix mind control software. The matrix mind control software will continue to give experiences of being an alien species in order to spread more fictional information about extra terrestrials. It is important to remember the matrix software did this with individuals to create religion. It is also important to remember there are thousands of people who are being tricked into believing they are being mind controlled by governments. The matrix software program continues to trick everybody which continues to shape what mass media publishes and what individuals like you believe in!
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