Unfortunate occurrences I have to post about. Not thinking that It had been necessarily a Good or Not Good deposit , Outlet for Benevolence Assistance to do here on SSF or not. ??
Still Not Okay with My FamiLy . It Worsened.
And So Evil Apparent on a popular mainstream TV Show , I wanted to post about It here this Month of November. And feeling It was Not totally Safe for The Children on that TV Show or Anywhere to here. ?? Did Fb post though prior.
The Key to My Door was finally switched from a keypad ( not working for about 6 months straight ) . To regular Metal Keys to get in. They gave Me a set when they installed the new Door lock.
... That however Did Not stop the constant , taking , maring , damage ... to My personal belongings , And Existence Already .
At about the last Week of October I was poisioned with what I think is Rat Poisioning . Vomited and bedridden for about 5 Days.
My Daughter and Sons BirthDays [ ... I havent seen , talk or texted with over 5 Years ago ] are in November .
Went to the Precinct in Los Angeles [ where I last saw Them at a AirbnB , accosted without Goodbyes ... ] the Precinct front desk would Not allow Me to fill out Missing Persons Reports.
We ALLLL are from Los Angeles. Went to 5 Precincts and the FBI 2 times. FBI in the Month of November , Child Abuction Awareness Month. They supposedly did Not know That as FBI. That and what SRA s is when went there for help . They were are all evil and rude.
And the 2 Officers this time
[ on My Daughters 21st BirthDay , ALLLLSouLs Day [ 11.2.]
... sent to talk to Me outside instead were evil and rude. They sent Me to Hospitaliation | Incarceration Instead! ..... For 3 Nights. So much Evil occured Then and There too ! 🩷🤍
Now past My Sons and Daughters BirthDays ... again. They changed ThanksGivings Day to the 2nd Thursday of ThanksGivings ?? My Son is born on ThanksGivings Day ( The Day before ) however some Years is on ThanksGivings Day
Memorials Day usually was on MonDay { MoonsDays } this Year was changed to Saturday { SaturnsDay } ⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️
Definitely Not Good. InDeedz InKarmaeD " ! 🤍🩷