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Super soldier log: Recalling blood donation event, red cross, and home blood type test.

I guess I will put this in the public category since the site doesn't seem to have much traffic. In the super soldier community there seems to be a lot of fun neg blood types. In the starseed community there is a lot of fun neg blood types as well. secret projects on earth seem to be really interested in o neg. also it seems like different blood types have special abilities. I guess max slides said they wanted soldiers to jump with out a shoot, run for miles, take out a target, and be extracted. So I guess science and family tracking happened because of blood line and blood type. anyway I'm here to point out odd things dealing with people.

well I donated blood to figure out what type I am. also to do something good. I hope I saved someone instead of feeding a vampire. Well nothing as odd untill it was obvious I didn't eat enough before. the guy said I was changing color but I noticed its hard for me to be nocked out. My mind wasn't fully awake though.  well they took care of it. Then multiple people started coming over instead of just a worker. I was almost treated like a king. the supervisor lady commented that I would get harassing calls. the comment I heard was "is it supposed to do that? Answer: yes but not that fast!" . Like I have a decent clotting reflex or something. then I heard a discussion behind me. I think it was about rare blood type and referring to me. I guess I donated faster then usual as well but I was new to. last but not least the supervisor showed over concern when I was at the recovery table. well the red Cross calls till this day.

other topic is independent test . I guess the red Cross will lie and tell you you have the pos. When your the rh neg. after I asked the red Cross what type I had, they said it was o pos. I got a home test which is a card. It said that I was o neg since there was no change and the blood just slid off like I had thin blood as a condition.perhaps o neg is a alien blood type like they say. Also maybe the red Cross lies to you about blood type after all.

Well that is it. many of us have the rh neg so I put my thoughts down. Have a good one

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
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