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The case of missing time. Alot of us have it.


Recently I been thinking of missing time. Yes there are extreme cases like being in two different locations but not remembering how you got there. Then there is hypnosis while driving.

In my case there seems to be missing time over a long period of time. like it seems that I had a few years where I mistakenly didn't work. Plus I had my suicide programming triggered during that time which I survived. I remembered some things during those years but I get a odd feeling. Especially since I was at home instead of a kind of facility one would remember.

Then there is the issue if being a foster kid. No one can account for me under 3. they def had one or two months to transport me because I was physically with the state.

I also think of odd technology. Like implanting memories. also making you forget. I naturally feel there is companys off world that sell memories. Perhaps the ssp survivors have seen the selling of tech, age regression, and memory wipes. Perhaps there is more groups then the ssp who can mess with you using tech. I hear the memory device from the men in black movies is real.

Well that is it. perhaps alot of us have missing time. You can comment any of your missing time expirience.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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