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Reply to "The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder"

Another aspie! Lol awesome. 

Nate, I have awakened many mornings with needle marks. Especially the itchy bump on my neck below my ear. That needle mark is from memory erasing meds. 

Once I had needle marks in my belly button.  It was swollen for a month and oozed black goo. I won't go into detail at this time on who, what, when, where, or why but it was insiduous. I fought the goo for a month. I've learned to communicate with it and get it to work for me, not against me. It worked slowly on me that time.  So slowly I didn't catch it at first.  It was taking over my mind. My memories had been stolen and replaced with false ones. Weird thing is I never let the false ones take hold. I kept them orbiting outside my head,  much like satellites around the earth. Long story short it worked out. They were stalking me at that time and triggering my alters.  But nothing was working. Lol it taught me to consciously recognize when I had been triggered. Once I catch the alters I incorporate them into my conscious mind and own them. Good experience.  ☻

