My major repetitive dream is being debriefed in "the chair" at Bldg.400, in Rochester, NY. The scenes on the screen in front of me are horrific. The sound coming from the speakers vibrates all the way into my bones. And I roar and try to break free of the chair and I GROW! I have to have grown up to 100 feet high and I am calling to people all over the city around me to see what I do next. When the TV cameras arive to film me as a giant, I reach down and rip off the roof to Bldg. 400, and allow all the TV cameras to video everything I can show them about the installation there. America is reeling in horror from the news. Then I am striding across the country to Langley, VA, to do the same to the CIA HQ there. It makes sense to me. There's not a day in my life when I am NOT trying to rip the cover of secrecy off of these bastards.